RVP900, Sigmet Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP900 YSI VietNam, Bộ thu tín hiệu và bộ xử lý tín hiệu Sigmet RVP900.
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RVP900, Sigmet Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP900 YSI VietNam, Bộ thu tín hiệu và bộ xử lý tín hiệu Sigmet RVP900.
Sigmet Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP900
The RVP900 provides comprehensive digital IF and signal processing functions on an open Linux PC platform.
• Comprehensive digital IF and signal processing functions
• 100 MHz, 16-bit IF sampling improving sensitivity and dynamic range in 5 independent channels
• Ethernet interface allowing RVP900 to be PC independent.
• Independent and parallel FIR filtering allowing dual pulse width and dual frequency strategies on each receive channel
• Dual Polarization, Wide Dynamic Range, and Pulse Compression ready.
• Open Linux PC platform
RVP901 IF Digital Receiver RVP901 IF Digital Receiver (IFDR) provides receive, transmit, and IF detector functionality in a single, compact network-attached FGPA-based product able to perform tens of billions of multiply accumulate cycles per second. The IFDR samples up to 4 receive channels and 1 burst channel of IF inputs and computes I and Q data from them. The I and Q data is transmitted over Gigabit Ethernet to the RVP902 signal processor for further processing into moments. The fully digital transmit functionality can produce outputs as simple as a COHO for a Klystron system or as complex as a pulse compression waveform for a solid state transmitter.
RVP902 Signal Processor RVP902 Signal Processor is server class computer with a dual processor multicore Xeon processor running Linux. RVP902, running RDA software, computes the radar data moments (Z,T,V,W) from the I and Q data provided by the IFDR. The moments can be distributed internally on RVP902 or externally to other computers running IRIS or third party software. DAFC Digital Automatic Frequency Control Unit RVP901 and RVP902 use comprehensive, configurable I/O interfaces to provide DAFC functionality in a magnetron system, generate triggers, monitor status, and control the radar. Installation or Upgrade You can integrate RVP900 into your own software or you may purchase the IRIS softw